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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tips on Grilling For Delicious Steaks

By Francis Murphy Platinum Quality Author

An excellent meal is naturally a successful combination of flavorful food, wonderful ambiance and great company. More often than not, the preparation of delicious food requires effort and a sense of creativity. In the case of steak grill, there is no question that it takes effort and practice to prepare a perfectly grilled steak. Before the grilling takes place, the steps involved in preparation include choosing the right type of steak, having the right cut to it and also applying appropriate seasoning to marinade it. The following are just some of the many tips on grilling steaks.

Firstly, you should know that steaks come in various cuts. There are some terms you should familiarize yourself with. They include fillet, rib-eye, strip, T-bone or sirloin. The best cut for your steak is a matter of personal preference. However, thickness of the steak matters. Great steaks usually are an inch or thicker.

The next step after purchase is preparation. Preparing the steak for grilling is an important process because this affects the steak's quality and grilling outcome. You are strongly advised to purchase your steak on the day you intend to grill them. This maintains freshness and retains quality. Before you begin your steak grill, make sure that that it is at room temperature.

You will need to preheat the grill for about 20 minutes for a gas grill. As for charcoal grill, it is ready when it is covered in white ash. You will need to sear the steaks and cook for 3 minutes on a side on the highest setting with the lid closed. Then, reduce the heat to medium high and continue cooking until the steak is ready. Some may prefer their steaks to be rare, medium rare, medium or well done. This corresponds to the thickness of the stick as well.

To better understand steak grilling, you can always explore tips on grilling steaks available through various sources.

There are techniques and tricks in choosing the right cut of meat for steaks and on how to grill it. I have a tip for you, if you're going to have steaks, you should choose the meat with many white part (I don't know what it's called but it's like fats on meat) because it will make you're steak more delicious and more tasty. Happy grilling!

Resources of Cooking Techniques and Tricks for Beginners

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