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Sunday, September 6, 2009

10 Cool Cooking Tips And Tricks

By Simonne Matthew

Have you ever heard the saying that great chefs have their secrets? Well, it is true: take two people, give them the same ingredients, and make them cook the same recipe, and you'll see that they obtain different results. Sometimes, a few degrees more in the oven, or 5 more minutes of cooking may lead to a completely different taste of the food.

What you need to know to make good food:

1. Don't overcook vegetables: try them with the fork or with a skewer, and take them off the fire in the moment you can penetrate them, but you still feel some resistance. If you cook them too much, their texture will become soft and very unpleasant.

2. Don't overcook meat: this is more tricky, as in the beginning, the best way to see if it is done is to cut it in the middle. If the knife goes in easily, and you don't see any reddish color from the blood, then you know it's done. If you continue cooking after that moment, the meat will resemble more and more to the shoe leather, it will become dry and very hard to chew.

3. Cook separately veggies and meat. If you cook a recipe which includes veggies and meat, first you have to cook the meat until it is done (try it with the fork), then take another pan and cook the veggies, but make sure they remain hard, then mix everything together and cook for some more 10 minutes. In this way, meat will preserve its flavor, and so will the veggies.

4. Tomatoes should be the last addition to a meal. It has been proven that tomatoes added to a meal in the beginning of the cooking process result in hardening all other ingredients, so you'll never be able to have a properly cooked food. Save tomatoes for the last 10 minutes of cooking, when all other ingredients are already almost done.

5. Add the salt from the beginning. Cooking without salt and adding it only before the moment of eating, will result in uneven distribution of the salt, and in a strange taste. If you have guests who have medical interdiction to eat salt, then you can cook with no salt, put away a part of the food for those guests, then add salt and cook for 10 more minutes the rest of the food.

6. Don't overcook pasta: there is nothing more unpleasant than overcooked pasta. An otherwise very nice meal will turn into a sticky mass with flour taste. Hint: add a little bit of oil in the cooking water, and don't let the pasta boil more than 6-7 minutes.

7. Mayonnaise is tricky: if you want to prepare the mayonnaise at home, use boiled eggs yellow, as this will prevent the mayonnaise from "cutting" (separating the oil molecules from the water). Stir always in the same sense, and use a lot of lemon juice. For a special savor, you can add a teaspoonfull of mustard.

8. Steam cooking is healthier. Over the past few years, steam cookers became widely available. They have the advantage of preserving food's vitamins, and not mixing the aromas. You could consider investing in your health and get yourself a steam cooker.

9. Use spices. The spices offer in groceries is huge. I bet you don't know how many types of spices exist and what you can use them for. Why not trying them? Buy a small quantity of each, and try them in various combinations. You may discover new tastes and a revolutionary way of cooking and playing with flavors.

10. Match the wine with the food. Get yourself a wine catalogue and try to transform your meals in a perfect assortment for your senses. Your guests will be amazed by your cooking talents.

Here's more cooking techniques and tricks for you. This tips are very helpful because everyday we used to cook vergetables, meats or pastas and We usually fry, steam and saute. It will be easy for the beginners to cook if they know the basic tips in making delicious foods. Happy cooking!

Resources of Cooking Techniques and Tricks for Beginners

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